Monday, November 16, 2009

components or structure?

I've given the next steps some thought. I now have a few components built:

1. mixer with muting and remote control for tracks.
2. fatness-enhancer for each external source (synthesizer)
2. live tweak recorder/looper (for song changes or tweaking of other synthesizers)
3. (pseudo) live sequence recorder/looper (which record)
4. a sample song track
5. example voice processing system (not finalized)
6. and a couple of grooves I created this weekend (song sources)

At this point my system looks like this:
Master System G2
- Master clock with restart
- blofeld and x0xb0x mixer
- tweak recorder/looper
- live sequence recorder/looper
- fx for blofeld and x0xb0x

Slave System G2
- a slave song track sequencer
- a song groove

Now, I could define the system given these parameters, but what is missing of my building blocks? a chord memorizer/arpeggio trigger, overall transposing, glitch sequencer, just to name a few.

As tempted as I am to assemble what I have, I will continue to work on the components and then given their (DSP/CPU) power requirements I will define the breakdown of the system.

The case for this is if I write a song with this structure, and then I find I need to alter the structure significantly, this means rewriting the song, and taking a step back at least for my upcoming live show.

So back to components work for me for a little while.


ark said...

I posted a G2 chord memorizer patch a while back on the list. It's pretty primitive, but maybe you can make it into something useful for your purposes. Look for "chord memory" in the patch list.

haagen said...

Thanks! I already have chord memorizers that use the voltage inputs of 2 or 3 sequencers that trigger chords (2 or 3 notes).

The ones on paper are more effective (at getting my attention).
